Semi-Precious Hand Knotted Malas

Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala

Regular price $115.00
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Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala
Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala
Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala
Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala
Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala
Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala
Hand Knotted Black Obsidian Mala

Hand Knotted Mantra Style Black Obsidian Mala

Black Obsidian is a grounding stone that provides an instant connection from the Root Chakra deep into the core of the Earth. Black Obsidian will help to clean and remove negative energies in a sacred space or environment. It also assists in releasing those emotions/reactions that cause negative energy such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Once these energies are removed/released, Black Obsidian will help to keep the space protected.

Black Obsidian is used for healing and releasing energy blockages, and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved. This allows both healer and subject a unique clarity as to initial cause of the issue, so that it can be dealt with. If you have a physical illness, that you believe has an emotional cause, Black Obsidian could be the fastest way to discover the cause, but you must be willing to face it and ready to correct it.

Black Obsidian can be very intense and one must be ready to confront their issues when working with this stone. Healers may use Black Obsidian to help those unable or unwilling to let go of the past. 

Black Obsidian can also be used for gazing, along with Quartz, to help make sense of any images or ideas gleaned from it. Using Black Obsidian can bring great foresight in this capacity. To gaze with Black Obsidian, choose a quiet environment with soft lighting, get into a relaxed state, and gently gaze at the stone. Remain open to any images or insights that come into your mind.

Carrying or wearing Black Obsidian assists in dispersing negativity around the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies. Place Black Obsidian in a home, office, or sacred space to remove any unwanted energies and keep the area free of negativity.

Obsidian is used in honoring  Ereshkigal Sumerian Goddess of the Underworld, Jana, Roman Goddess of Secret and Hidden Things, and Madame Pele, Hawaiian Goddess of Creation.

Mala beads, or simply Malas, are a set of beads, seeds, or stones used for prayer, meditation, and mantra practice. All my Malas are hand knotted and invoked with positive energy. 

Authentic 108 bead Mala necklaces - Hand knotted and blessed. Picking Mala beads for yourself can be a daunting task. Which materials should you pick from? Do you need one or are you going to need a bunch? Can you reuse a mala over and over? What about if you need a mala for more than one intention at a time? But, picking one out for someone else — that’s a whole new experience. There are so many Malas with different intentions that is can be overwhelming.

Handmade with love, worn with intention. From Traditional, Zen, Straight, Tibetan, Past-Present-Future, Mantra and my Signature Zoey Mala. I create every Mala with strong double strung nylon thread. My Malas have 108 (108 = 108 human passions) beads made from semiprecious stones & one guru gemstone or metal guru bead, tassel or both.  The 109th stone symbolizes gratitude. My signature gemstone gurus are used for their unique energies, healing properties and colors to support and strengthen your devotion. Choose your mala to symbolize the strength of your intention and your commitment to live less from habit and more from intention.

" The metaphysical and energy properties provided throughout this website are strictly for informational and educational purposes only. It is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. "


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