From the worlds of mythology, folklore and legend, Fantastical Creatures Tarot brings to life a colorful menagerie of mystical beings. Lisa Hunt’s luminous artwork shows us glimpses of the mystical beings that inhabit our imagination, and reveals the lessons they can teach us.
“Most ancient cultures believed that it was possible to contact these mystical creatures. The priests, magicians, and shamans understood that contact would not be on the Earth plane, but on the astral level. They followed certain traditions that allowed them to tap into this source of power, using it in their spiritual and magickal rituals.
Today, most people have lost touch with these ancient sources and most no longer believe in them. It is possible, however, to relearn the ancient art of communication with fantastic creatures. When approached in the proper ways, these powers can help us. By tapping into these astral sources, we can use the ancient images in divination to gain a clearer picture of what is causing life-problems and what we can do about it.”
—From Fantastical Creatures Tarot Introduction
Includes 72-page booklet and Quick Reference Guide to the Cards for both the Major and Minor Arcana.
What Customers Are Saying About Fantastical Creatures Tarot
Another creation from a solid tarot team is the Fantastical Creatures Tarot. From the obvious power of the Winged Lion standing as the Sun to the delicate fairy who sits by the Ace of Cups, these cards are mesmerizing.
Hunt’s artwork has long been a favorite of mine. She has a way of imbuing her art with intricate images that demand your attention. She is well known in the Tarot world for good reason.
On the Fantastical Creatures Tarot website, Lisa (who holds a tabby who must have been the model for the Magician) says of painting this lovely watercolor deck:
“These beings are fixtures in our psyches, evoking a sense of wonder with the ability to serve as archetypal references for our own life journeys. The images flowed from my pencil and brush, responding to my own need to depict these magnificent, mysterious creatures that continue to captivate our senses and imagination.”
Physically this deck is standard US Games faire which is to say it is a sturdy deck that you won’t have to worry about falling apart at first shuffly. Two cards are quick reference cards–one for the Major Arcana and one for the Minor. This makes this a great gift deck for someone who wants to learn more about the Tarot who also has a love for all things mystical and magical.
There’s humor abounding in this deck as well. Hunt’s rendition of the Five of Swords had me laughing outloud. I didn’t know the creature but its turtle-like back, slightly cantankerous look set in a swamp captured a contentious 5 of Swords for me. When I consulted the LWB, I was greeted by the Kappa who is a Japanese creature.
Some of the meanings are not what I would call traditional but none of them went too far astray of the area of meaning. One major difference is in the Major most decks name Devil. Here instead we have Fenris Wolf on the card named Chains. Since Chains are a major element of the Devil, it was a good choice in my book. As one of Loki’s children, Fenris has many lessons about why you might be chained.
Circe is a favorite character of mine, so I love this image of her surrounded by the animals she so loves. The colors are soft without being bland. While I would classify this an an art deck, it is also a deck to be studied and worked with. It will bring nuances to your knowledge of Tarot, as well as expand your mythological horizons. I highly recommend Fantastical Creatures Tarot.
—Arwen Lynch, Tarot by Arwen
- Size
Cards measure 2.75" x 4.75"
- Language
- Author
- J. Conway
- Artist
Lisa Hunt