Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala

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Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala
Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala
Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala
Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala
Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala
Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala
Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala

Hand Knotted Purple Quarzite Mala

Zoey Style

Quartzite is a little talked about crystal but has some wonderful healing properties quartzite can help you to move forward in your personal journey of healing the mind body and spirit, as your life changes you may feel you need extra support.

Quartzite is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock composed almost entirely of quartz. It forms when a quartz-rich sandstone is altered by the heat, pressure, and chemical activity of metamorphism. These conditions recrystallize the sand grains and the silica cement that binds them together. The result is a network of interlocking quartz grains of incredible strength.

The interlocking crystalline structure of quartzite makes it a hard, tough, durable rock. It is so tough that it breaks through the quartz grains rather than breaking along the boundaries between them. This is a characteristic that separates true quartzite from sandstone.

Quartzite stabilizes positive changes by anchoring them in the fabric of your physical and subtle bodies. It helps prevent you from slipping back to your old state after you undergo any uplifting change, such as a healing or spiritual experience. Quartzite helps the body establish a new state of balance that includes the beneficial change. When you are experiencing rapid changes, Quartzite also helps you maintain your perspective and overall balance by regulating your rate of change. 

Quartzite`s Mind Body & Spirit healing properties. ... It helps prevent you from slipping back to your old state after you undergo any uplifting change, such as a healing or spiritual experience. Quartzite helps the body establish a new state of balance that includes the beneficial change.

Quartzite stabilizes positive changes by anchoring them in the fabric of your physical and subtle bodies. It helps prevent you from slipping back to your old state after you undergo any uplifting change, such as a healing or spiritual experience. Quartzite helps the body establish a new state of balance that includes the beneficial change. When you are experiencing rapid changes, Quartzite also helps you maintain your perspective and overall balance by regulating your rate of change.
It focuses on the area of your life that is experiencing the most change, activity, and growth. This area is usually reflected as the most highly charged part of your aura. Quartzite throws an energetic anchor on this area. It produces a still point, in which the Quartzite essentially asks the body to stop these changes for a while, reevaluate itself, and make any necessary corrections.
Often when we place a great deal of attention on one area of our lives, we neglect other areas. Attention carries life force. Therefore, if you focus most of your attention on the area that is changing most and withdraw your attention from other areas, these other areas will suffer from a lack of life energy. Quartzite energy puts changes in the area receiving the most attention "on hold." While these changes are on hold, you can more easily turn your attention to the other, neglected areas. If these areas need to release something, they will be able to release it; if they need to relax, they will be able to relax, and so on. With these needs taken care of, when the Quartzite is removed, you will be in a better position to handle all your changes.
Because inner changes and growth are regarded as a barometer of personal progress, people often perceive change as a good thing. Yet sometimes a person may not feel completely ready for certain changes or may feel overwhelmed by change and lose perspective. When changes seem overwhelming to you, it is probably because they are happening too rapidly and your other aspects are calling for attention and nourishment.
This is when it is wise to wear Quartzite. When you wear Quartzite, the primary focus of your changes is put on hold, and your other aspects are given the chance to be nourished and provided for. This temporary hold will also give you the chance to gain some perspective and readjust your life accordingly. When you remove the Quartzite, its anchoring effect will dissipate, so that you can resume your changes at their previous rate and give them your full attention once again. Hopefully, you will be able to continue in a more balanced way.
Quartzite can also be used to anchor a specific positive change. Often, when we've had an uplifting experience, we want to hold on longer to its beneficial effects. Such an experience might include reading an inspiring book, receiving a healing therapy, attending an illuminating seminar, or being blessed with a spiritual experience. When you have experienced a beneficial change, a healing, or some degree of progress, Quartzite helps stabilize that progress. Wearing Quartzite for several hours after such an experience helps stabilize your uplifted state, thereby helping you to integrate it more profoundly into your being. At the same time, this stabilization helps establish a new state of balance that includes this change. Then, when you remove the Quartzite, you will be more inclined to take the next step forward than to slip back to your previous state which can be so easy to do when it feels like comfy old shoes
Quartzite's ability to produce a still point can be helpful for people whose minds are overactive or who are hyperactive in general. As the Quartzite stabilizes the person's brain waves, his or her thought processes slow down. Also, people who suffer from mental illnesses caused by erratic brain-wave activity may experience some symptom relief when wearing Quartzite.
When you wear Quartzite, it encourages your physical body to slow down—not metabolically, but in its movements. The Quartzite doesn't discourage you from moving or moving quickly. Instead it promotes efficiency in your physical movements. As you go about your activity, you may notice that your physical body is moving with more grace. Interestingly, you may not notice this effect until after you have removed the Quartzite.

Mala beads, or simply Malas, are a set of beads, seeds, or stones used for prayer, meditation, and mantra practice. All my Malas are hand knotted and invoked with positive energy. 

Authentic 108 bead Mala necklaces - Hand knotted and blessed. Picking Mala beads for yourself can be a daunting task. Which materials should you pick from? Do you need one or are you going to need a bunch? Can you reuse a mala over and over? What about if you need a mala for more than one intention at a time? But, picking one out for someone else — that’s a whole new experience. There are so many Malas with different intentions that is can be overwhelming.

Handmade with love, worn with intention. From Traditional, Zen, Straight, Tibetan, Past-Present-Future, Mantra and my Signature Zoey Mala. I create every Mala with strong double strung nylon thread. My Malas have 108 (108 = 108 human passions) beads made from semiprecious stones & one guru gemstone or metal guru bead, tassel or both.  The 109th stone symbolizes gratitude. My signature gemstone gurus are used for their unique energies, healing properties and colors to support and strengthen your devotion. Choose your mala to symbolize the strength of your intention and your commitment to live less from habit and more from intention.

" The metaphysical and energy properties provided throughout this website are strictly for informational and educational purposes only. It is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. "

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